Hian Hian See

Senior Research Scientist at SGInnovate


Hello, I'm Hian Hian (HH).

I am a senior research scientist developing robotic technologies at SGInnovate. Prior to joining SGInnovate, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Sensor.AI Systems Lab at the National University of Singapore with Associate Professor Benjamin Tee.

My work is broadly in robotics, machine learning, tactile intelligence, and multi-modal perception. I’m particularly interested in creating intelligent robot systems, with the aim of solving real-world industry problems.

If my work is of interest to you, I invite you to get in touch with me.


Sep 30, 2021 Awarded Best Paper at IROS’ 21 for our work on Extended Tactile Perception: Vibration Sensing through Tools and Grasped Objects!
Jul 17, 2021 Our paper on Metal-Elastomer Composites for Robust Responsive Wearable Health Devices has been published in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
Nov 12, 2020 Our paper on Synthetic Piezo-impedance Sensor Skins has been published in Nature Communications.
Sep 28, 2020 Our paper on Near–hysteresis-free soft tactile electronic skins for wearables and reliable machine learning has been published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.